Okay, okay, I'm a little late. National Peanut Butter Day was yesterday, but when did that ever stop anyone from indulging in this creamy, mouth watering treat? I'm my opinion, peanut butter is one of the best tasting foods out there. And not only is it portable, but it also can be used in many different ways. Peanut butter can be taken to work, eaten on the train, can be given to veg-heads, and can stop a dog from barking! So why should you eat peanut butter? The Huffington Post posted an article yesterday that discussed 5 reasons why peanut butter is a great addition to your diet. Unlike me, they were on time with their post, which is why I am just going to share with you my sticky opinion. First and foremost, my favorite quote from the Huffington Post article reads:
“The body's response to saturated fat in food is to increase the amounts of both harmful LDL and protective HDL in circulation. In moderation, some saturated fat is okay. Eating a lot of it, though, promotes artery-clogging atherosclerosis, the process that underlies most cardiovascular disease. In contrast, unsaturated fats, which make up the majority of the fat content in peanut butter, help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. “
I included this because over time, I have heard many people reject the idea of eating peanut butter because of its fat content. Peanut butter, like many other foods, do not make you fat when eaten in moderation. Sitting on the couch eating half the jar is another story...
Peanut butter is also an awesome staple not just because of its health benefits, but because it is a good source of calories for a low, affordable price. In this economy, it seems like the main sources of protein are getting more and more expensive. Beef, chicken, and fish are emptying everyone's wallets, so why not get a good quality protein source for less than half the price? There are so many peanut butter companies on the market today that it is hard to find a good, organic brand. After trying many different kinds of peanut butter, I have found not only the best tasting, but the healthiest peanut butter out there. This peanut butter is literally, JUST PEANUTS. And you can find it at your local Whole Foods store for a very reasonable amount of money. You also get to turn the machine on yourself, regulate how much peanut butter you want to buy, and watch the peanuts get crushed to smithereens right in front of you. The whole foods peanut butter machine looks like this:

So the dry roasted peanut butter is literally only peanuts, with added heat and some crunching, you get the best peanut butter you can imagine. When I first tasted this peanut butter, I was shocked to see that it only had one ingredient. Racking my brain for information, I remembered that peanut oil is a natural component in peanuts, and during the grinding process, the oil is released. This is why the peanut butter still maintains that creamy texture, with no added ingredients. They also have honey roasted peanut butter, which has added honey, salt, and sugar. Because this one has a few added ingredients, it is even more delicious, and totally organic! Trust me, once you discover how good this peanut butter is, you'll never turn back.
Although there are many recipes that include peanut butter, my favorite recipe is still Thai peanut sauce. A lot of recipes that include peanut butter are desserts, which is why I prefer an actual meal that includes peanut butter, so you don't have all the extra fat and sugar that comes with the rest of the dessert. Here is my personal favorite way to make thai peanut sauce:
1 cup coconut milk
1-2 tsp red curry paste or hot sauce
1/4 cup smooth peanut butter
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tsp soy sauce
The best part of thai peanut sauce is that it can be added to many recipes and dishes. Pasta, chicken, dumplings, shrimp, salad, and even in soups are all great ways to use Thai peanut sauce. This is something you could make in bulk, and use it on more than one occasion if your crammed for time.
Anyways, below is the link to the Huffington Post peanut butter article. If you also forgot that yesterday was National Peanut Butter Day, then celebrate today! I advise anyone who is scared to eat peanut butter because of the fat to think again, and to visit Whole Foods and get your hands on their product. Trust me, you won't be sorry.
Q: Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter?A: I'm not telling you. You might spread it!If you have any recipes that include peanut butter, feel free to share them in the comments box!