Saturday, January 28, 2012

Benefits of Coffee

I love when I find more excuses to pound coffee during the day.....

From Natural News:

(NaturalNews) Recent research suggests that drinking caffeinated coffee daily may protect against developing Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, depression and more, according to reports from Science Daily. Animal studies at the University of Florida discovered an ingredient in coffee that interacts with caffeine and increases blood levels of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), a growth factor that that prevents the production of beta amyloid plaques, which are thought to be the causative factor in Alzheimer's disease.
It appears that four to five cups of caffeinated coffee daily are necessary to produce the increase in GCSF and protect against Alzheimer's. This amount may seem high for the average American coffee drinker, who consumes approximately 1.5 to 2 cups daily. Researchers suggest that using coffee to protect against Alzheimer's should start in early middle-age, between 30-50 years old; however, older people are also likely to benefit from consuming caffeinated coffee daily.
Additional benefits

Coffee is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which provide the body with additional ingredients to increase cognitive function to protect the brain; as well as protect against other diseases of aging, such as Type II diabetes, depression, stroke, and Parkinson's. Studies also suggest coffee may help fight against breast, skin and prostate cancer.
Reports in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry discusses the effects of caffeine in coffee regarding the prevention of Type II diabetes. Animal studies were performed on mice, which showed that caffeinated coffee helped control blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, lowering the risk of developing the disease. Coffee also triggered other beneficial changes in their bodies, further reducing the risk of diabetes. Researchers believe that it is the caffeine in coffee that acts as an anti-diabetic compound.

Drinking two to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily may also lower the risk of depression in women by 15%, according to research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine -- and those who consume four or more cups daily have shown an even greater reduction in their risk of developing depression. Caffeine affects brain chemicals and is known to release mood-altering transmitters.

Additional studies at the Harvard School of Public Health indicated that men who drink six cups of coffee daily have a 20 to 60 percent decreased risk of developing several forms of prostate cancer. The study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and indicated that even small quantities of coffee consumption can lower the risk of prostate cancer.
The fact that coffee reduces depression is probably no surprise to anyone who has been drinking the black gold.   The only downside to coffee is becoming dependent and building up a caffeine tolerance.

With a week of steady use, the body actually changes its makeup and the receptors that caffeine interacts with change in number and function so that the initial effects of small caffeine doses are no longer felt. The rush and nervous energy seen with the first few uses of the drug goes away after tolerance occurs.
The other side of the equation is that these same body changes have to happen in reverse when caffeine is removed from the diet. A good rule of thumb is that it takes as long to get rid of withdrawal symptoms as it does to heal a bruise. Just as a bruise takes time to heal and repair tissue, resetting tolerance level also requires actual changes in cells.
 Try to take a day or two off from caffeine during the weekends, then when you have a cup on Monday morning you might experience an extra boost.  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Support GMO Labeling!

GMO's are genetically modified organisms who's genetic material has been altered through genetic engineering. During this process, DNA molecules are taken from various different sources and then combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This new DNA is then implanted into a new organism, or in our case, a genetically modified food.

First of all, nothing that we EAT, should be MODIFIED. The very food you put in your mouth should not contain DNA genes from a different organism.

Although GMO's can benefit the production line, there are many risks in consuming genetically modified crops. Some of these risks include:

The creation of new allergens
Antibiotic resistance
Cross breeding
Herbicide tolerant crops
Pesticide resistant insects
Local ecosystem disruption

A few examples of GMO foods we eat every day are tomatoes, soybeans, alfalfa, cotton, Hawaiian papaya, canola, sugar cane, sugar beet, rice, squash, and sweet peppers.

There are many opinions about genetically modified foods. My opinion is to buy your foods locally, and avoid all of these chemicals all together. For California, environmental and consumer organizations have filed paperwork to have a citizen initiative ballot in late 2012 to vote on GMO labeling. California would be the first state in the United States with GMO labeling, something every state should be doing! As of right now, we have no laws that tell us if we are consuming these foods or not. Chances are, we're eating them. Read this article from Natural News and help support the California GMO labeling campaign for 2012!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

National Peanut Butter Day

Okay, okay, I'm a little late. National Peanut Butter Day was yesterday, but when did that ever stop anyone from indulging in this creamy, mouth watering treat? I'm my opinion, peanut butter is one of the best tasting foods out there. And not only is it portable, but it also can be used in many different ways. Peanut butter can be taken to work, eaten on the train, can be given to veg-heads, and can stop a dog from barking! So why should you eat peanut butter? The Huffington Post posted an article yesterday that discussed 5 reasons why peanut butter is a great addition to your diet. Unlike me, they were on time with their post, which is why I am just going to share with you my sticky opinion. First and foremost, my favorite quote from the Huffington Post article reads:

“The body's response to saturated fat in food is to increase the amounts of both harmful LDL and protective HDL in circulation. In moderation, some saturated fat is okay. Eating a lot of it, though, promotes artery-clogging atherosclerosis, the process that underlies most cardiovascular disease. In contrast, unsaturated fats, which make up the majority of the fat content in peanut butter, help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. “

I included this because over time, I have heard many people reject the idea of eating peanut butter because of its fat content. Peanut butter, like many other foods, do not make you fat when eaten in moderation. Sitting on the couch eating half the jar is another story...

Peanut butter is also an awesome staple not just because of its health benefits, but because it is a good source of calories for a low, affordable price. In this economy, it seems like the main sources of protein are getting more and more expensive. Beef, chicken, and fish are emptying everyone's wallets, so why not get a good quality protein source for less than half the price? There are so many peanut butter companies on the market today that it is hard to find a good, organic brand. After trying many different kinds of peanut butter, I have found not only the best tasting, but the healthiest peanut butter out there. This peanut butter is literally, JUST PEANUTS. And you can find it at your local Whole Foods store for a very reasonable amount of money. You also get to turn the machine on yourself, regulate how much peanut butter you want to buy, and watch the peanuts get crushed to smithereens right in front of you. The whole foods peanut butter machine looks like this:

So the dry roasted peanut butter is literally only peanuts, with added heat and some crunching, you get the best peanut butter you can imagine. When I first tasted this peanut butter, I was shocked to see that it only had one ingredient. Racking my brain for information, I remembered that peanut oil is a natural component in peanuts, and during the grinding process, the oil is released. This is why the peanut butter still maintains that creamy texture, with no added ingredients. They also have honey roasted peanut butter, which has added honey, salt, and sugar. Because this one has a few added ingredients, it is even more delicious, and totally organic! Trust me, once you discover how good this peanut butter is, you'll never turn back.

Although there are many recipes that include peanut butter, my favorite recipe is still Thai peanut sauce. A lot of recipes that include peanut butter are desserts, which is why I prefer an actual meal that includes peanut butter, so you don't have all the extra fat and sugar that comes with the rest of the dessert. Here is my personal favorite way to make thai peanut sauce:

1 cup coconut milk
1-2 tsp red curry paste or hot sauce
1/4 cup smooth peanut butter
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tsp soy sauce

The best part of thai peanut sauce is that it can be added to many recipes and dishes. Pasta, chicken, dumplings, shrimp, salad, and even in soups are all great ways to use Thai peanut sauce. This is something you could make in bulk, and use it on more than one occasion if your crammed for time.

Anyways, below is the link to the Huffington Post peanut butter article. If you also forgot that yesterday was National Peanut Butter Day, then celebrate today! I advise anyone who is scared to eat peanut butter because of the fat to think again, and to visit Whole Foods and get your hands on their product. Trust me, you won't be sorry.

Q: Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter?
A: I'm not telling you. You might spread it!

If you have any recipes that include peanut butter, feel free to share them in the comments box!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vaccination Season - Are Vaccines Smart for Everyone?

Every winter we are bombarded by messages telling us to vaccinate against the flu or other illnesses. Government agencies and big pharmaceutical companies usually lead the charge. This year, even faith-based groups are being pushed to promote vaccinations. In a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recent news letter they state:
“As you know, faith and community leaders play an integral role in helping to keep their communities and congregations healthy, especially during flu season. As trusted messengers, you are able to spread important information about healthy practices and the need for vaccination.”

HHS is not alone, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that every person 6 months and older receive an annual flu vaccine. They also spend tons of money on vaccine awareness each year.

One of the more outrageous examples of government support for vaccines is from the Texas Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry, who signed an executive order in 2007 to mandate all teen age girls to take the HPV vaccine! I am of the opinion that forced medication is very immoral.

In addition, your work and local drug store encourage yearly flu shots.

Is this government focus on vaccines based on genuine concern for citizens? Or due to the politicians and government agencies close ties to the pharmaceutical companies who profit by pumping out yearly vaccines?

In this article, I will attempt to make the reader aware of two things: vaccines are not universally safe and effective, and there are safer and more effective alternatives to staying healthy.

Do vaccines work?

Keen readers may have asked themselves, if vaccines work then why do I have to get one year after year? It must be because the flu strains change every year, right? Not according to a recent AP article.
“This year's flu shot will be a duplicate of last year's because the same flu strains are still circulating. So some experts say young, healthy people may have enough protection from last season's vaccine to skip getting it again this fall.
"For healthy people, it can't be said to be necessary," said Dr. Robert Couch, a flu vaccine expert at the Baylor College of Medicine.
Still, government health officials are urging nearly everyone to get this fall's flu shot. They say a vaccine's protection can fade significantly after several months — especially for those who are frail and elderly.”
Here is CDC's explanation from their web site:

“The second reason that annual vaccination is recommended is that a person’s immune protection from vaccination declines over time and annual vaccination is needed for optimal protection.
The decline in protection against the flu that occurs after vaccination or after flu infection may be influenced by several factors, including a person’s age, the antigen used in the vaccine, and the person’s health situation (for example, chronic health conditions that weaken the immune system may have an impact).This decline in protection has the potential to leave some people more vulnerable to infection, illness and possibly serious complications from the same influenza viruses a year after being vaccinated. So, for optimal protection against influenza, annual vaccination is recommended regardless of whether the viruses in the vaccine have changed or not since the previous season.”
So we need to get vaccines every year because they stop working after a few months. According to the CDC, vaccines supposedly work because: “About 2 weeks after vaccination, antibodies that provide protection against the influenza viruses in the vaccine develop in the body.”

Here is the punch line, antibodies last a whole lifetime! They do not wear off after a few months! Europeans who came to America gave Native Americans small pox. Why didn’t Europeans get small pox? because they had built up a natural defense over generations. They did not need vaccines every year, once they had the antibodies they were set for life (so were their children, and their children’s children).
Now let’s examine some recent findings on the safety of the flu vaccine and two recently popular vaccines, HPV and H1N1 (Click on the titles for the article link).
  • This web site is dedicated to bringing to light the adverse side effects of all vaccines. Here you can find story after story of people whose health has been hurt by vaccinations.
Mercury found in vaccines:
I could go on and on with these vaccination horror stories. They are all over the web.

Alternatives – Immune yourself naturally!

There are safe and alternative ways to protect yourself from the flu that do not involve injecting some unknown substance into your body that is mass produced by pharmaceutical companies. It’s called vitamins!! Of course, the best place to get your vitamins is fruits and vegetables. Today, there are many different and easily accessible super foods that can severely benefit your health. Spirulina and Chlorella happen to be my favorite super foods, but there is an entire list of these one-of-a-kind miracle foods. Super foods have such a dense nutrient profile that help to protect you from disease. Your body has the ability to naturally protect and heal itself from diseases if you allow it. To do this you need to supply your body with lots of vegetables and fruits. The easiest way to do this is “juicing” or making smoothies. If you replace your breakfast cereal for a smoothie full of fruits and vegetables and avoid processed foods throughout the day you will experience positive benefits immediately. You will feel more full, have increased energy, and get sick less often (or never).

Vitamin D might be the most powerful of all vitamins and it can work magical for your immune system. If your body is full of high doses of vitamin D your body will produce its own antibodies naturally. If you are really concern about getting the flu this season, supplement with vitamin D. (Check out our vitamin D page for more information.) Plus, when you are not vaccinated, you encounter the real virus and build your own natural defense, rather than receiving some weak form of the virus in a vaccine.

At the very least I hope this article will motivate you to do some research and serious thinking before the next time you shoot up.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

EBNHC Team Newsletter

Four New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

By Christina Rogers, WIC Nutritionist

We all know that extreme new year's resolutions -- like going to the gym every day -- are not likely to last very long. Here's a short list of healthy resolutions you may actually be able to stick to (without losing your sanity).

1. Eat more omega 3's: Try to eat food sources high in omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help reduce inflammation within your body and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Good sources are nuts, seeds, fish, and other seafood.

2. Eat less meat. Instead of cutting out red meat all together, try to cut it back to just twice a week. You will satisfy your cravings while substantially reducing saturated fat.

3. Increase your fiber intake. Try to make half of your grains whole grains. If you don't like the taste, mix plain pasta with whole-wheat pasta. This will help you feel fuller longer, and your intestines will be happier, too!

4. Go for three days of physical activity. Instead of setting yourself up for failure by resolving to go to the gym every day, try for 30 minutes of cardio workouts, three times a week. With school and work, most of us don't have time for daily workouts. Simple things like walking around your neighborhood can increase your physical state and burn extra calories.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2012!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chocolate Superfood Smoothie

Anyone interested in making homemade smoothies should follow this recipe. Sunfoods, an organic raw food and superfood company has created this recipe to give you lasting energy, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, and great flavor. Now, some of these ingredients can be hard to come buy, but Sunfoods banners are located in various places on our webpage for you to access and purchase these foods. Not all of them are necessary, but they all contain superfood qualities to better your health. This smoothie is perfect for someone looking for a quick detox, an energy boosting breakfast, or an after workout replenishment. Feel free to add in any produce you still have around the house - bananas, kale, carrots, etc. for added flavor, or replace some ingredients with ones you may already have. Either way, smoothies are an excellent addition to any diet and can truly benefit your health. They make you feel great, too!

* 2 tbsp ground hempseed
* 1 tbsp ground flax seeds
* 2 tbsp yacon syrup
* 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
* 2 cups frozen or fresh fruit
* 1 tbsp honey or agave nectar
* 1 tbsp coconut oil
* 1 cup water or almond milk
* 1 tbsp raw almond butter or peanut butter (optional)
* 1 handful goji berries (optional)
* 1 tbsp maca (optional)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Flu Fighters

'Tis the season for runny noses, fevers, muscle aches, and of course, cold medicine. It seems like every where you go at this time of the year some one is sneezing, coughing, or sniffling. As most of us know, germs can pass extremely quickly, and it can only be a matter of time until you become infected with the treacherous flu. So instead of hoping that door knob you just grabbed isn't covered with tiny bacteria, change your diet to boost your immune system and significantly reduce your chances of getting sick. The food items discussed in the article below are very easy additions to any diet, and can save you a few extra sick days from school or work. Check out this article from the Huffington Post and read how these simply foods can truly improve your health and well-being during this years flu season.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Squash of the Season

Many people think now that it is winter, it is hard to find good grub that is not only in season, but still delicious. I myself, have had difficulties trying to find something out of the ordinary at this time, which is when I was reminded of the oh-so-savory spaghetti squash. As a kid, my babysitter use to make this for my sister and I all the time. What's better than a meal covered in butter and cheese when your ten years old? Not much. We would sit at the table and shovel spoonfuls into our mouths begging for more when we hadn't even finished half our plates. As I walk through Hannaford's, I see a sign advertising this winter time treat. So, being me, I put three of them in my carriage, obviously being judged by those who are too good to overindulge in what is on sale. Anyways, I decide I am going to cook this squash in my brand new, state of the art crock pot! A Christmas gift from mom, and a very useful one at that. So I leave the squash in the crock pot on low for 9 hours while I make my way to work. As excited as I was, I began to consider if they're were any benefits to eating such a mushy, yellow vegetable. I racked my brain for information and came up vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber. Usually, a good rule of thumb is that yellow-orange fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin A and beta-carotene. Beta Carotene is a fat-soluble compound that gives these foods their color. It is also considered a pro-vitamin because it can be converted to active vitamin A in your body, which we all know is good for vision, skin, immune function, and antioxidant activity. Just one measly cup of this squash provides as much beta carotene as one raw orange. Spaghetti squash is also awesome because it contains a respectable amount of potassium, vitamin C, B vitamins, thiamin, robiflavin, and folate. So I know your all dying to know, what did I do with this crock potted squash after work?!
Well, I'll tell you. Many recipes for spaghetti squash demand to simply fork out the strands of squash until you get a plate full of what looks like spaghetti. You then add 1-2 tbsps of butter and cheese, and voila! For me, this just didn't cut it anymore. So I added olive oil in place of butter, salt, pepper, and curry powder (to taste), tomato, chick peas, cilantro, parsley, and a hint of Parmesan cheese. Although spaghetti squash does provide about 1 gram of protein per cup, it is not a sufficient protein intake for the average Joe. Adding chick peas will boost your protein intake without adding any fatty meat (which would taste weird with spaghetti squash, anyways). I made two servings of this, thinking that it may not be enough. Squash and peas for dinner? No way, I'm starving! But sure enough, we were both completely full and satisfied. So to all of you who get bored at the grocery store in the winter time, have no fear! Spaghetti Squash is here to keep you full and healthy until springtime produce makes their annual debut.

Have any of your own delicious squash recipes? Share them here!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Prostate Cancer and Red Meat: Are We Surprised?

Prostate cancer is a growing concern for men in the United States. However, it is already known to our population that if your diet does not contain meat, you are much less likely to develop this type of cancer. So is this something men may be able to control? Cutting out animal based food products can decrease your chance of developing certain diseases, and can also reverse them. New research suggests that red meat and processed meat are positively associated with prostate cancer, especially if it is grilled or barbecued to a well done state. This may come as a shocker for some, but it has a very simple solution: cut out your red meats and replace them with plant-based protein sources! Take that cancer.

Read these medical releases below:

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