In the United States Sodium Fluoride is added into the water supply of most cities and towns. The reason, according to the authorities, is to fight tooth decay. This forced medication is not only highly immoral, it is also poisoning the population. Fluoride is a toxin with many negative health affects.
The most damning scientific evidence against water fluoridation is its effects on the brain. This neurotoxin has shown to reduce the IQ of children in human studies done around the world. There have also been studies suggesting harmful effects on adult’s nervous systems. A recent June 2011 study states that
“Valdez-Jimenez, et al. describe studies that show fluoride induces changes in the brain's physical structure and biochemistry which affects the neurological and mental development of individuals including cognitive processes, such as learning and memory.”
Shockingly, the first use of water fluoridation was use in Nazi prison camps. Of course, this was not done out of concern to the prisoners teeth. They understood how fluoride disrupts the brains normal mental functions and is a useful in mass-control. Read more about Nazi water fluoridation.
There are also many other harmful effects of water fluoridation. Some of these findings include:
- Impair Tyroid function. Fluoride was once used in Thyroid suppression medication.
- Interference with the reproductive system. It is commonly observed in animal studies to increase oxidative stress, damage sperm, and reduce fertility.
- Increases risk for bone cancer. A 2001 study done at Harvard has shown boys who grow up in areas that add fluoride to the drinking water got bone cancer more often than those who did not drink fluoride.
- Toxic to the kidneys. Kidney patients are especially vulnerable to fluoride. The National Kidney Foundation withdrew its support for fluoride in 2008 after studies indicated harmful effects to bones and teeth for kidney patients.
But don’t take my word from it. In the past decade there has been a growing amount of distinguished medical professionals calling for an end to water fluoridation.
"Fluoridation of water supplies would also treat people who may not benefit from the treatment. Side-effects cannot be excluded and, thus, some people might only have negative effects without any benefit."
"In Sweden, water fluoridation, to my knowledge, is no longer advocated by anybody. In Sweden, the emphasis nowadays is to keep the environment as clean as possible with regard to pharmacologically active and, thus, potentially toxic substances." (9).
Dr Robert Carton, a scientist who spent 20 years working for the US Environmental Protection Agency.
"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time"(11)
National Academy of Sciences
“A panel of the National Academy of Sciences concluded yesterday (March 2006) that the maximum amount of fluoride currently allowed in the nation's drinking water can cause health problems and "should be lowered."(10)
“Fluoride Deception” a Mini documentary by Mike Adams, editor of Highly Recommended!
“Health Professionals Call for End to Water Fluoridation”
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