Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Shape Up for Slackers

Since beautiful summer weather is coming (hopefully) quicker than we think, now is a perfect time to start getting yourself off of that couch, and into shape. I decided to write this article because of the multiple people I know that say they want to get in shape, complain about it, but still...sit on the couch. The truth is, you cant be upset about results you didn't get, from effort you didn't give! People who are in shape have worked for it. If you want to achieve a goal of actually becoming healthy, you need to put in some effort to get there.
I have been doing some research on the easiest ways to get in shape, but realized I needed some ideas that are applicable to the people who hate exercise. Obviously getting up and going for a 5 mile run is going to help you achieve your goal, but if you hate exercising, that's obviously never going to happen. However getting in shape does require SOME physical activity, so I am sorry to say that if you do want to get in shape, you are going to have to put in some effort. Here are a few ideas for the people who really hate exercising, and/or who want the pain to end as soon as it started.
  1. Interval Training – Before you stop reading because of the intimidating name, hold up! Interval training is one of the hottest fat burning workouts out there right now because of the fast results you get in the shortest amount of time. Interval training workouts alternate high intensity cardio with low intensity effort. Interval training can be done many ways – running, cycling, swimming, and even on elliptical trainers. If you are extra lazy, you can even do it with a speed walk, and a slow walk. They can be done inside or outside, rain or shine. Since the summer heat hasn't hit us yet, now is the time to get in shape before the New England heat waves leave you as a fried egg on Comm Ave. My favorite interval workout has me sweating like a pig, breathing at my highest capacity, and the best part – done in 20 minutes. Here is how the intervals should be broken down:
    • 3 minute warm-up: Whether you're walking or slowly spinning on your bike, spend the first 3 minutes at low intensity, getting your body ready for the workout.
    • 30 seconds high intensity: This is where you are putting in your maximum effort. If you are running, you should be running as hard as you possible can for these 30 seconds to the point where you can't run any faster if someone was chasing you with a knife.
    • 90 seconds low intensity: This is your break. Bring your speed back down to a light jog or walk for 90 seconds to let your body rest.
    • Repeat 8 times: You should repeat the 30 second high intensity and 90 second low intensity 8 times before you are done with this workout. This will give you a total of 16 minutes of interval training. By the end of you workout, you should by DYING. Literally gasping for breath like you could not go on for another step. It should become hard to breathe because you are in oxygen debt. You are increasing your heart rate high enough to reach your anaerobic threshold. This is good! So many health benefits from this kind of exercise, but the most important for you is a decrease in body fat and an increase in endurance and stamina. Do this 2-3 times a week, and you can literally watch you body change (with a healthy diet, of course).

      Interval trainings benefits trump the benefits of almost any other type of exercise. Because it is such a high intensity training, studies show that it will actually boost the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), as well as reduce age-related telomere shortening, which can provide anti-aging effects. Anti -aging effects! This type of exercise can in fact work towards making you younger. Interval training can also lead to many physiological changes such as an increase in cardiovascular efficiency, and an increased tolerance of lactic acid build up. It helps to build up a stronger immune system, lower cholesterol levels, and decrease your risk of high blood pressure later in life. 

       If you would like to read more about interval trainings effects on Human Growth Hormone production and its anti-aging effects, check out the link below. It discusses the scientific background of what your body will be going through as well as one mans success story with interval training. Like I said before, you'll be done in 20 minutes, and you will have given yourself am amazing workout: 

  1. Tabata Training: Tabata is something I have recently come across during my kickboxing classes. Tabata is a Japanese version of interval training that can be done in 4 minutes, and you can do it in your own living room (steps away from your couch!). Any exercise can be integrated into a Tabata regimen, depending on what you want to achieve. If you want to lose fat, you will do more cardio exercises. If you want to gain muscle, you will use weights. The only thing that will stay the same is the basic outline of the training method, which is as follows:
    • 20 seconds of intense training
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • Total of 8 “intervals” or “rounds”
Literally, that's it. The Tabata that I have done personally (and have had my butt kicked) looks like this:
    • 20 seconds of squats (jump to touch the sky and land in a squat as fast as you can)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of hitting a punching bag (as fast and hard as possible)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of squats (jump to touch the sky and land in a squat as fast as you can)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of hitting a punching bag (as fast and hard as possible)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of squats (jump to touch the sky and land in a squat as fast as you can)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of hitting a punching bag (as fast and hard as possible)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of squats (jump to touch the sky and land in a squat as fast as you can)
    • 10 seconds of rest
    • 20 seconds of hitting a punching bag (as fast and hard as possible)
    • 10 seconds of rest

      As with the interval training, at the end of the 4 minutes, you should be gasping for air and sweating your butt off. This exercise is also leaving you in oxygen debt, and increasing your anaerobic capacity. Depending on what you want to achieve, you can do any sort of intense training for your 20 seconds, as long as you are working at your hardest. Visit this Tabata site to read all about its benefits and how it was started:
  1. Some exercises for lazy people are the obvious ones: take the stairs, park at the farthest spot away from your destination, get off the T one stop before yours, ride a bike to work. However, in most of the studies done, these exercises are SO lazy that people just write them off. These are things that should be incorporated into your daily lifestyle, not considered an actual exercise. The older you get, the lazier you are, the fatter you get, the less motivation you have. Simple, simple tasks here people.

    Ha, I guess that wasn't really a tip...


    Here is a good strength training routine for people who want a quick workout, have no equipment, and have no gym membership:

    These kind of circuit workouts can get your heart racing and the calories a burning, and all it requires is time and a little motivation.

  2. TV exercising: This one is perfect for people who don't want to leave their house and could use a good core workout. Fitness balls are not expensive, and you can sit on them while you watch TV, read a book, or talk to your roommate. Just sitting on a fitness ball can help strengthen your core and improve balance without even noticing that you are doing an exercise. These are also great to do ab exercises on:  

  1. For the person you doesn't want to do any exercise and is better at controlling their diet, there are just a few small changes you can make to help keep your waist line in check through the summer months. Consider your summer diet: hamburgers, steaks, hot dogs, pasta salad, corn on the cobb, and beer. If you like hanging out with friends and enjoy summer barbeques, you cannot deny that you eat these foods much more often during the summer than during any other time of the year. Most of these foods are processed meats, and carbohydrates. If you want to have a healthier diet in the summer, go for the grilled chicken that isn't smothered in sauce for a leaner protein source, and fill up on a regular salad or fruit salad. Shrimp and fish also make wonderful meals on the grill, and are a much better protein source than frozen red meat. Pasta salad can be good if they are whole wheat and mixed with vegetables, however many pasta salads and potato salads are covered in salad dressing or mayonnaise, so these are good items to skip, unless they are made with lower fat ingredients. Wine coolers made with seltzer water, wine, and fresh fruits are a much lower calorie option than chugging down a few beers or frozen pina coladas, and if you plan to enjoy a few cocktails on the beach that day, these calories can really add up. Try to organize a game of volleyball or Frisbee next time you go to a beach with your friends, and remember that you can't get upset about the results you didn't get, over the effort you didn't give! Happy Summer!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pros and Cons of Pizza

If you live in America, you know that eating pizza is as much of a pastime as going to the movies or watching a baseball game. Back in the day, pizza was considered a pleasure food – something you would eat once in a blue moon as a treat. Friday nights would mean pizza and drinks with good friends before going to the drive in. Today, Americans have become so reliant on quick and easy food that pizza is being eaten daily. You might be saying to yourself, what's wrong with that? And that is exactly what this article is about. Don't get me wrong, I love pizza. But there is a difference between making your own pizza and enjoying it once a week, and eating pizza from Domino's or your favorite local oven every day.

Pizza was originated in Greece, as a part of the Mediterranean cuisine. However, this pizza looked a little different than our pizza today. Originally, it was a dough and tomato dish – flat rolled dough, sprinkled with oils, herbs, honey, and tomato, that resembled more of a pita bread with very light toppings. Later, Romans created what was called a placenta, and was a sheet of dough topped with honey, cheese, and bay leaves. In the 16th century, a Naples flat bread was referred to as pizza, which was considered food for the poor people and sold on the street. This “pizza” was not even allowed to be made in a kitchen at this time, as it was not worthy of a kitchen recipe. During these times, pizza was mostly covered in a tomato sauce with light oil and fish. It wasn't until 1889 when the first cheese was added to pizza, making the first ever Pizza Margherita, a pizza made to represent the colors or the Italian flag.

Think about the history of pizza for a moment. Compare what the Italians and Greeks were eating back then with what Americans are eating now. Then, compare the Italians and Greeks health with the health of Americans now.

Unbelievable. No wonder the Greeks and Romans could fight in battles and Americans can hardly fight a cold. Anyways, lets discuss nutritionally how pizzas compare. I have been browsing the nutritional information of pizzas from American fast food places such as Domino's, Pizza Hut, and Papa Gino's, and have found some interesting facts. As pepperoni pizza is one of America's favorite slices, I decided to compare this pizza from different restaurants based on calories per slice, total fat, grams of saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and calcium.

One slice of pepperoni pizza:

Calories per Slice Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Calcium (% DV)
Domino's 300 12.5 5.5 30 700 17
Papa Gino's 280 11 5 30 780 2
Pizza Hut 250 12 4.5 25 530 15
Papa John's 330 15 6 30 830 15
Bertucci's 330 15 5 N/A 560 N/A

Interestingly enough, most of these pizza slices are very similar. I was not able to find the calcium or cholesterol information for Bertucci's pizza, but I can imagine it not being far off from the others. One thing that I thought was very interesting was the low calcium content of Papa Gino's pizza, and still the high fat content. I am guessing this is because of the amount of oil they use and less cheese (or fake cheese), but you never know what they are doing behind the counter. Anyways, these numbers may not mean anything to you, so I can go a little more in depth. All fast food pizza is high in calories, salt, and fat. These are three major concerns for almost all of the health issues in America today. The amount of sodium found in these pizza slices is unbelievable. For one day, healthy Americans should consume no more than 2,300 mg of sodium daily. If you already have diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease, it is recommended to not consume more than 1,500 mg of sodium daily. Papa John's tops the charts with 830 mg of sodium per SLICE. Do you know ANY American who only has one slice of pizza? I don't think so. The regular American consumption of pizza is 3 slices, which would give you a whopping 2,490 mg of sodium...almost 200 mg over what you should be eating for that entire day! High sodium in your diet has been associated with stroke, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, edema, and stomach cancer. It can also make you very dehydrated, lead to muscle cramps and cause dizziness. The high fat content of these pizza slices can contribute to obesity, which itself is a risk factor for cancer and diabetes. In fact, if we keep up our eating habits until 2025, 85% of our population will be considered obese. The saturated fat content can block your blood vessels, leading to stroke or heart disease. In turn, this is increasing your body fat content, which is not pleasant for you, or your girlfriend.

Like I said before, I love pizza. What I have discussed so far is the nutritional information of fast food restaurants the use low quality ingredients to make fast, cheap food for fat Americans to eat on the run. I don't know when it happened, but all of a sudden everyone and their mother is in a rush to get from point A to point B, and nobody sits down for meals anymore. Everyone is so caught up in their everyday lives that they don't stop to think about their health and what they are putting in their mouths. Our generation is lazy and vulgar, and we need to clean up our acts.

Solution? Get off the couch, and make your own pizza! Probably the easiest meal to make...if you weren't so lazy. Think about this...all of the ingredients used to make pizza in a restaurant can be easily substituted with a healthier alternative that has more health benefits and a better taste.

Exhibit A: Whole wheat dough! WOAH!!! You mean refined grains don't have any nutrients?? No. During the grinding process many nutrients from the grain are eliminated because the germ and bran are removed, which contain 90% of the nutritional content of the kernel. All that is left is the endosperm (starch), which is ground up to make your purposeless all-purpose, refined flour. Whole grains keep the WHOLE grain, thus giving you back 90% of the nutrients you would have missed out on if you chose the regular pizza dough. It has been said that farmers actually report bugs DYING when they try to sustain themselves on refined white flour, so remember that next time you eat refined grains! Whole grains are a better option because they contain 90% more vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The nutrients found in whole grains have been shown to play a key role in reducing risk of disease, and should be integrated into everyone's diet.

Exhibit B: Skimmed cheese! If you are making your own pizza, look for a low-fat cheese topping to seriously cut back of total fat and saturated fat intake. By choosing a lower fat cheese product, you can lose a lot of the fat and still get all of the protein and calcium that cheese offers. This is a smart and easy way to make your pizza a healthy meal, and you will cut back on a good amount of calories.

Exhibit C: Vegetables! So this can be a stretch for some people, especially those who are still stuck in their 4 year old body and refuse to eat vegetables. If you like pizza, you like tomatoes, since you are eating a tomato sauce. Try to include whole chunks of tomatoes in the sauce, to increase bulk through produce. Tomatoes are high in lycopenes and also have antioxidant powers which can prevent prostate cancer. Use fresh tomatoes instead of an entirely canned sauce product for more health benefits. You can also add onions, peppers, corn, broccoli, eggplant....pretty much any vegetable you want, and it will be delicious.

Exhibit D: Protein! This is when I scold the people who only eat pepperoni pizza. Yes, pepperoni is delicious, even your dog likes them! But they are mostly fat and bring hardly any nutritional value to the table. Switching to ham is a very close option and can save you a little fat and a handful of calories, but I still wouldn't recommended either one. If you MUST have meat on your pizza because you are so manly and vegetables are only for girls, please choose lean meats like ground turkey or chicken breast, so you can get some good quality protein for a lot less fat. Eliminating the pepperonis will also help reduce your sodium intake, and help your blood pressure stay in a healthy zone and reduce your risk of disease.

Making pizza is very easy, and very fast. Once you have added all of your desired toppings, it takes only 15-ish minutes to cook in the oven. When you order pizza for delivery, it can take up to 45 minutes to be delivered, which may or may not include the time it takes for them to rub their greasy hands all over it. It's still cheap, its still fast, and its HEALTHY.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Orgasmic Oyster

Today I bring you a post that I find to be very fascinating. Before I begin, I would like to apologize for a lack of posts this month. Busy lives sometimes do not allow for blogging, but because work has been slow this week, I decided that what a perfect time it was to write. Now that summer is approaching, I have a whole list of fun activities that I would like to conquer, as I am sure many of you do as well. Going to the beach, having barbeques, and enjoying time with family and friends in the sun are all common summer goals. Most summer activities include good food and drinks, which is why these activities are applicable and ideal for everyone. Now, being a person who spent a lot of my childhood on Cape Cod, I have acquired quite a palate for seafood. Fish, clams, mussels, lobster, shrimp,seaweed, sea name it, I have eaten it.

Out of all the filter feeders and sea anemones, my absolutely favorite is the salty, sand-in-your-mouth, aphrodisiacal oyster. When most people think of an oyster, ESPECIALLY if they are not use to eating seafood, they gag. It brings a tear to my eye to see people turning away this luscious bundle of nutrients just because they have never tried them before. Well here's a tip people: Grow up! If you try it, and still don't like it, fine. If you sit there and make faces at something you've never tried, you are a baby. Anyways, oysters bring a lot of things to the table. I think my favorite fact about these filter feeders is that you can eat them raw. As many of you probably don't know, eating raw food that has not been cooked past 104 degrees Fahrenheit contains the highest amount of nutrients. This is because foods that have been cooked above this nutrient-killing temperature have lost much of their nutritional value and are less healthful or even harmful to the body. This is one of the many beliefs of those following a raw vegan diet, and it makes perfect sense. Eating raw, natural foods that have not been tampered with in way, are the most nutrient rich. So when you think of raw oysters coming straight out of the ground and down into your belly, you can be happy that you are being filled with nutrients that truly promote good health and longevity. 

Oysters are members of a family known as Ostreidae. This family is the family of true oysters, and include the most common species that are eaten by humans. Some of these oysters include the Eastern Oyster, the Olympia oyster, and the Wellfleet oyster, which can be shucked right down in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Oysters can be harvested in both the Atlantic and Pacific water. They are known as bivalve mollusks - bivalve meaning that they contain two shells. They also have an adductor muscle, which means they have a central point of attachment to their shell, and can be seen when you open the oyster, along with all of its other other bodily parts.

Oysters are a wonderful source of many nutrients. They are most known for being high in zinc, iron, calcium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B12. Oysters are a great addition to a diet of someone who may be anemic, because of their high iron levels. The zinc levels found in oysters are also very important to the human body because many different biochemical processes need zinc in order to occur. The high zinc content of oysters also help the body to increase testosterone levels, which is why these mollusks are known as aphrodisiacs. Oysters are also very rich in amino acids, which helps trigger an increase in sex hormone levels. Oysters have been a favorite food since ancient times. They were cultivated in China before the Christian era. The Greeks, Romans, and Indians enjoyed these mollusks long before we ever shucked them up, and now we know why! Oysters are also wonderful because of how low in calories they are. One serving of raw oysters is about 6 medium oysters on the half shell. Total calories for 6 raw oysters is going to be anywhere in between 40 to 60 calories. How about that! A solid source of raw nutrients, protein, and very little calories. (I want to slurp some just thinking about it). As far as protein goes, well oysters are literally just a muscle between the two shells. This means oysters have a very high protein content, and a low fat content, making them an ideal food for someone looking to eat on a diet. In one cup of raw oysters, you can find as much as 17 grams of protein. So after your long, dreary workout at the gym, you might as well just go to the raw bar. They do have some fats, and are mostly unsaturated fats...good fats, but are small amounts, maybe 3% of your daily intake.

Check out this nutrition data page to get a full breakdown of all the vitamins and minerals found in these precious gems:

All in all, oysters are great for you, they are fun to eat, and they are fun to catch. They are great for summer barbeques, great to order at the raw bar, and great for your body. If you have never tried an oyster before, do yourself a favor and head to your local seafood mart. If you are looking for a GREAT raw bar, I highly suggest the Wellfleet Beachcomber in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Great raw bar and restaurant overlooking a beautiful beach. It doesn't get much better than that.

Look how much fun they're having!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beer is Better!

Beer is one of those things that tastes so good but has a horrible reputation because of its calorie and carbohydrate content. In many cases, people tend to stay away from beer if they are watching their figure or trying to lose weight. This makes sense when counting calories, however many people are not aware of the wonderful health benefits that beer has to offer. To start off, yes, beer has calories and carbohydrates. But so does bread, pasta, or rice, right? In my opinion, it is better to skip that dinner roll and enjoy a fine stout because lets be honest, you want to do it anyways.

Before I go into more detail on the health benefits of beer, I wanted to share the abstract to this study that was published in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences titled Nutritional and Health Benefits of Beer:

“Physicians should be aware of the growing evidence supporting the nutritional and health benefits of moderate consumption of alcohol as part of a healthy lifestyle. The recently approved voluntary label on wine ("the proud people who made this wine encourage you to consult your family doctor about the health effects of wine consumption") implies that physicians should promote wine as the preferred source of dietary alcohol. However, studies evaluating the relative benefits of wine versus beer versus spirits suggest that moderate consumption of any alcoholic beverage is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease. From a nutritional standpoint, beer contains more protein and B vitamins than wine. The antioxidant content of beer is equivalent to that of wine, but the specific antioxidants are different because the barley and hops used in the production of beer contain flavonoids different from those in the grapes used in the production of wine. The benefits of moderate alcohol consumption have not been generally endorsed by physicians for fear that heavy consumers may consider any message as a permissive license to drink in excess. Discussions with patients regarding alcohol consumption should be made in the context of a general medical examination. There is no evidence to support endorsement of one type of alcoholic beverage over another. The physician should define moderate drinking (1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men) for the patient and should review consumption patterns associated with high risk.”

I love this abstract. Everywhere you go, people are judging those who love beer. Except for on one day where it is socially acceptable to enjoy one – St. Patrick's Day! A wonderful day that the Irish have given us. Anyways, the Irish have always been beer lovers, since back in 1756 when the first stout brewery was created. The first lager brewery was set up in 1891 in Dartry, Dublin, and by the time 1959 came around, lager consumption in Ireland and in the United Kingdom was 5 times greater than anywhere else. Although Ireland is better known for producing a stout beer, 63% of the beer sold in the country is actually lager. Stout makes up about 32 % of the market, leaving the other 5% to the crap beers. Anyways, Arthur Guinness, the man himself, set up a small stout brewery back in 1756. He later moved it to Dublin in 1759, and by the early twentieth century, Guinness became the largest brewer in the world.

Not only were the Irish promoting their product, but they were promoting good health, too! Now a days, the only alcoholic beverage we ever hear that has health benefits is wine. So many antioxidants! Decreases your chance of cardiovascular disease! Well guess what, beer can provided the same benefits, plus a few more that won't leave you feeling guilty after happy hour. Now, we must understand that most of these health benefits are coming from the world's better crafted beers and micro brews. These beers are made with barley, hops, yeast and water: natural ingredients. Beers that are mass produced are hardly any more that watered down beer with corn and chemicals to make it live longer, like Busch Light and Natural Light. These light beers are aimed at the college populations that want to feel the effects of drinking alcohol in large quantities . Most people looking to have just a beer or two at the end of the day normally choose a better quality brew, and in turn, reap the health benefits.

Strong bones: These craft beers actually contain many vitamins and minerals, with silicon and calcium at the top of the list. Silicon, which is the soluble version of silica, is a calcium-like mineral that helps build strong bones, teeth, hair, and nails. Beers that have higher levels of barley and hops will contain higher levels of silicon. So those looking for this extra boost should look for IPA's and pale ales. Unfortunately for people like myself, wheat beers are not a significance source. (Womp womp.)

B-Vitamins: Craft beers can include a rage of B-vitamins, from Potassium to Folic Acid, and even high levels of B-12. Folic Acid is great for vascular health. Although it is also a vitamin that is recommended during pregnancy, drinking beer is NOT the way to get in your folic acid if you are a prenatal. B-12 is a vitamin that helps keep your brain and nervous system functioning normally. It also helps in the formation of blood. Other vitamins found in a 12 ounce beer include niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, choline, and B6 (although they are small amounts.)

Healthy Cholesterol: The ethanol in craft beers has been proven to increase High Density Lipo-protein levels, AKA, good cholesterol. Increasing HDL levels has been proven to reduce blood pressure, prevent the thickening of artery walls, and in turn, prevent cardiovascular disease. Today, millions of Americans suffer from high blood pressure or have had a stroke or a heart attack. Increasing your good cholesterol and allowing your blood to flow better by one or two craft beers a day sounds like a pretty good idea to me. To further convince you, researchers in the Netherlands found that men who drank 2 pints of beer a day increased their HDL levels by 7 percent after only 10 days, and by 12 percent after 3 weeks. How about that!

Carbs + Fiber: People often look at all of the carbohydrates in beer as a bad thing. Some people may refer to it as liquid bread. Unless you are starving yourself for spring break in two weeks, carbs are not the enemy! Carbohydrates are meant to make up 55% of your daily diet, and are the main source of energy that your body uses. If someone is undergoing extreme exercise, then their carbohydrate intake should increase. Carbohydrates are the most easily obtained energy from your body, and we should all appreciate them. Beer also can provide a great deal of fiber per 12 ounce serving, which will help keep your digestive system in balance. People who drink more than their recommended amount of beer per day often have to use the bathroom soon after consuming their first drinks. Now you know why. But anyways, more fiber leads to a healthy colon and assist in the battle against diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.

Today, another sore subject is the tie between red meat and cancer. According to a Portuguese study, marinating your steak in beer can eliminate up to 88% of the carcinogens that form when pan frying your meat. This is great for people who honestly do not enjoy drinking alcohol, but want to reap the benefits.

Antioxidants: Although red wine has become our go-to drink for added antioxidants, beer actually has a very comparable amount of antioxidants. In fact, these craft beers and micro brews can actually have as much as 5 times the amount of antioxidants as white wine. So long, sangria! These antioxidants will help prevent the oxidation of our blood plasma by free radicals (the enemy), which can further cause many of the diseases out their today. Free radical damage can be responsible for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. So, if you have been choking down that glass of red wine at dinner to get in those antioxidants, grab an IPA instead, and do yourself just as much good.

So, what have we learned today? Beer is better! Moderate consumption of alcohol as part of a healthy life style is something that all physicians need to become aware of. I love this topic because beer has such a bad reputation. However, when consumed in the right sense, it is a true benefit to our health. In the end, I am encouraging everyone to enjoy St. Patrick's Day with 2 pints of beer if you're male, and 1 pint of brew if you're a woman. Get to your local bar and don't feel guilty about Guinness!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Flax Seeds: What's the Fuss?

If you have visited our seeds page in the past, then you know how wonderful flax seeds are for your health. Although I personally know a lot about flax seeds, they are one of those weird health foods that the majority of the public has never heard of. Flax seeds are tiny little seeds that come from a flax plant - usually about 4 feet tall with long, slender stems and leaves. Flax come in two varieties: brown, or golden yellow.

Although flax seeds have a very high vitamin and mineral content, they are very famous for their omega-3 fatty acids. I know sometimes we talk a lot about omega-3 fatty acids in this blog, and it may get boring, but they are important! Omega 3 fatty acids can help your personal health in so many ways that it is simply irresponsible not to consume the recommended daily intake. Although we have a complete list of the benefits of essential fatty acids on our fatty acid page, I will reiterate my favorite benefits here:
    • Increase blood circulation, and therefore reduces blood pressure as well as risk of heart attack
    • Reduce risk of ischemic and thrombotic stroke
    • Improved immune function
    • May delay or prevent the progression of certain psychotic disorders
    • Improve human depression
    • Anti-inflammatory activity
    • Prevent and treat arthritis and osteoarthritis
Since many people do not have any of these health problems...YET, they are so common in our world today that we need to take the steps to prevent these diseases in the future. Consuming the recommended amount of omega 3 fatty acids per day can truly benefit your health and keep you in tip top shape for the rest of your life. High food sources of omega 3 fatty acids include vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, fish, and other marine foods. Since many people do not or cannot eat seafood, flax seeds are a wonderful alternative. In fact, flax seeds are being discussed as the BEST source of omega 3 fatty acids. This has been brought to our attention by German Scientist Johanna Budwig who is well known for her alternative cancer therapy known as the Budwig Diet which consists of flax seeds high in omega 3's. Here is some background information on the Budwig Diet and why this is a POSSIBLE cure for cancer:

Here is the main attraction which discusses why flax seeds may be the best source of omega 3 fatty acids:

If you are interested in consuming these life saving seeds, I have found that the best way to eat them in in smoothies, in salads, or in baking. Since I know I am not the only person who loves to bake, it is very simply to add a handful of these wonders to your batter, mix, and enjoy. They are quite flavorless and truly will benefit your health. In conclusion, do some research and get some flax seeds at your local grocery store, or at Whole Foods, if you want to try something organic. Below I have included the nutrition panel for flax seeds, to show you the individual vitamins and nutrients that they contain. Enjoy!

Flax seed
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 2,234 kJ (534 kcal)
Carbohydrates 28.88 g
- Sugars 1.55 g
- Dietary fiber 27.3 g
Fat 42.16 g
Protein 18.29 g
Thiamine (vit. B1) 1.644 mg (143%)
Riboflavin (vit. B2) 0.161 mg (13%)
Niacin (vit. B3) 3.08 mg (21%)
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.985 mg (20%)
Vitamin B6 0.473 mg (36%)
Folate (vit. B9) 0 μg (0%)
Vitamin C 0.6 mg (1%)
Calcium 255 mg (26%)
Iron 5.73 mg (44%)
Magnesium 392 mg (110%)
Phosphorus 642 mg (92%)
Potassium 813 mg (17%)
Zinc 4.34 mg (46%)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cavities anyone?

I am sure everyone knows that when you get a cavity a dentist will address it by putting a silver colored filling into the targeted tooth.  What might surprise people is that the main ingredient in these fillings is mercury.

Dr. Mercola  recently appeared on the show "Dr. Oz" to explain why mercury fillings are harmful to the body.
"There are 1,000 mg of mercury in the average filling -- this is about 1 million times more mercury than is found in seafood, which is in microgram quantities.

Even the conservative EPA and CDC advise pregnant women to avoid high-mercury fish like tuna, due to the well documented adverse effects on fetuses.

Mercury is an incredibly potent neurotoxin; it doesn't take much to cause serious damage because it's an absolute poison. If you were to take the amount of mercury in a typical thermometer and put it in a small lake, that lake would be closed down due to environmental hazards."
What to do if you have mercury fillings?  I was pleased to see that Dr. Mercola suggested one of my favorite daily supplements, Chlorella.

"Chlorella, a single-celled fresh water algae, acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, in your body and carrying them out of your system. It is the chlorophyll in chlorella that makes it so powerful, as chlorophyll helps you process more oxygen, cleanses your blood and promotes the growth and repair of your tissues.
 In one study, when mice fed methylmercury were given chlorella, they excreted approximately twice the amount of mercury in their urine and feces as mice not treated with chlorella.i This is important, as chlorella plays a particularly crucial role in systemic mercury elimination because the majority of mercury is rid through your stool. Once the mercury burden is lowered from your intestines, mercury from other body tissues will more readily migrate into your intestines -- where chlorella will work to remove it."

 Chlorella is indeed a very powerful detox supplement.  I highly recommend chlorella to anyone who is concerned with the amount of toxins in their body.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Crazy for Coconut Water

For the past few weeks, we have been obsessing about coconut water. Not only does it remind you of vacationing on a tropical island, but it gives you the satisfying feeling of hydration. Coconut water has become very popular in the past few months, which is why we began drinking it ourselves. Not only does it seem to be in all the supermarkets, but it lines the shelves of Tedeschi markets and gas stations. It baffles me that this product has just recently grown in popularity, because it is something that everyone needs to be drinking.

So what is so different about coconut water? Can't I just drink regular water and get equally as hydrated? The answer is yes, but you would need a lot more regular water to feel the same effects. Coconut water is the clear liquid that is found inside young coconuts. The water serves as a suspension in the endosperm of the coconut during the coconuts development. As the coconut grows, the endosperm liquid will develop into what we know as the coconut meat. Because young coconuts are not fully developed, they have very little meat, and more coconut water. Unless your coconut has been severely damaged, coconut water is always sterile. It was even used during World War II as an intravenous hydration fluid when medical saline was unavailable. How about that! That fact alone makes me want some right now....

Anyways, the coconut water is clear, sweet, and sterile and composed of wonderful things such as sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, cytokinins, and phyto-hormones. These magical fruits are harvested when they are about 5-7 months of age for our drinking purposes. What are cytokinins you ask? Cytokinins are a class of plant growth substances (phyto-hormones) that have been shown to have anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects. Coconut water is best known for its high potassium content as well as the amount of antioxidants it contains. Coconut water was actually given to patients with severe diarrhea to help replenish electrolytes that have been lost, and to avoid the need for intravenous therapy. Now, doctor's will not use coconut water in an IV because of the dangers of too much potassium. However, it can and should be used to replace lost electrolytes and end dehydration.

Coconut water is also full of bioactive enzymes that aid in digestion and metabolism. Even though this fruit has a very light consistency, it has a wonderful vitamin and mineral composition of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, and folate. Look to the right to see its full nutritional profile:

Coconut water (Cocus nucifera), Fresh,
Nutrition Value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 19 Kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 3.71 g 3%
Protein 0.72 g 1.5%
Total Fat 0.20 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.1 g 3%

Folates 3 µg 0.75%
Niacin 0.080 mg 0.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.043 mg <1%
Pyridoxine 0.032 mg 2.5%
Riboflavin 0.057 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.030 mg 2.5%
Vitamin C 2.4 mg 4%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin E 0 mg 0%
Vitamin K 0 mcg 0%

Sodium 105 mg 7%
Potassium 250 mg 5%

Calcium 24 mg 2.4%
Copper 40 mcg 4.5%
Iron 0.29 mg 3.5%
Magnesium 25 mg 6%
Manganese 0.142 mg %
Zinc 0.10 mg 1%

Auxin (Gibberlin) Present --
Carotene, beta 0 µg --
Cytokines Present --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg --
Leucoanthocyanin Present -

Today, many different brands of coconut water are available in local stores. And although some of them claim to be pure coconut water, you never know if there are any preservatives or extra ingredients added in there. To me, nothing beats the pure coconut water that comes straight from the coconut itself. I shop at Hannaford's supermarket, and they always have fresh, whole coconuts on their shelves for about 1.99$. I know they are also available at whole foods, but for a dollar or two more. All I do to open these nuts is hammer in a knife, and drain the water into a glass. I usually get a full glass of water, and become overwhelmed with satisfaction that this is the real stuff. On top of the water, you also can scrape out the coconut meat on the inside of the coconut, and add it to your favorite smoothies or recipes. I have used coconut meat in my blender, but have also chopped it up and used it to make a coconut crusted salmon dish. Talk about amazing! There are just so many different ways to use coconut water and coconut meat that this fruit should be on everyone's shopping list. You can also cook your rice with coconut water to sweeten it up a little bit. This is a great tasting alternative to cooking rice with plain, boring water. Here is a crazy recipe for a power smoothie that includes coconut products. Although you most likely do not have all the ingredients, just blending some of the ingredients with fruits and vegetables is delicious, too.

Unsweetened Almond Milk
Coconut Water
Super Greens Powder
Raw Organic Agave Syrup
Fresh Coconut Meat
Organic Hemp Nuts

Power smoothies have so many health benefits that give you energy to last through your day. They are completely natural, too!

Another reason coconut water is becoming more popular is because of its hangover benefits. The reason why a person becomes hungover the night after drinking too much alcohol is because of the impurities, preservatives, and chemicals that are added to alcoholic drinks. Sometimes, hangovers can occur even after just one drink, depending on what it is made of. Usually, drinking to excess is what causes a hangover because the ethanol causes increased urine production, which then leads to dehydration. The truth is, you will feel miserable from a hangover until your body is properly hydrated. Gatorade and orange juice are two popular drinks that help cure hangovers. Now that I have read up on coconut water, this is truly the hangover cure. With the amount of natural electrolytes that coconut water contains, it's no surprise that after just one glass, a hangover can disappear. Sure, Gatorade also has a lot of electrolytes. But Gatorade is not found in the middle of a fruit on a tropic island, now is it?

In conclusion, if you are stranded on an island, engage in intense sports games or physical activity, suffer from diarrhea, or just had too many cocktails last night, coconut water needs to become a part of your diet. Stay tuned for future posts about the benefits of coconut oil - just another part of this life-changing superfood!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Benefits of Coffee

I love when I find more excuses to pound coffee during the day.....

From Natural News:

(NaturalNews) Recent research suggests that drinking caffeinated coffee daily may protect against developing Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, depression and more, according to reports from Science Daily. Animal studies at the University of Florida discovered an ingredient in coffee that interacts with caffeine and increases blood levels of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), a growth factor that that prevents the production of beta amyloid plaques, which are thought to be the causative factor in Alzheimer's disease.
It appears that four to five cups of caffeinated coffee daily are necessary to produce the increase in GCSF and protect against Alzheimer's. This amount may seem high for the average American coffee drinker, who consumes approximately 1.5 to 2 cups daily. Researchers suggest that using coffee to protect against Alzheimer's should start in early middle-age, between 30-50 years old; however, older people are also likely to benefit from consuming caffeinated coffee daily.
Additional benefits

Coffee is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, which provide the body with additional ingredients to increase cognitive function to protect the brain; as well as protect against other diseases of aging, such as Type II diabetes, depression, stroke, and Parkinson's. Studies also suggest coffee may help fight against breast, skin and prostate cancer.
Reports in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry discusses the effects of caffeine in coffee regarding the prevention of Type II diabetes. Animal studies were performed on mice, which showed that caffeinated coffee helped control blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, lowering the risk of developing the disease. Coffee also triggered other beneficial changes in their bodies, further reducing the risk of diabetes. Researchers believe that it is the caffeine in coffee that acts as an anti-diabetic compound.

Drinking two to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily may also lower the risk of depression in women by 15%, according to research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine -- and those who consume four or more cups daily have shown an even greater reduction in their risk of developing depression. Caffeine affects brain chemicals and is known to release mood-altering transmitters.

Additional studies at the Harvard School of Public Health indicated that men who drink six cups of coffee daily have a 20 to 60 percent decreased risk of developing several forms of prostate cancer. The study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and indicated that even small quantities of coffee consumption can lower the risk of prostate cancer.
The fact that coffee reduces depression is probably no surprise to anyone who has been drinking the black gold.   The only downside to coffee is becoming dependent and building up a caffeine tolerance.

With a week of steady use, the body actually changes its makeup and the receptors that caffeine interacts with change in number and function so that the initial effects of small caffeine doses are no longer felt. The rush and nervous energy seen with the first few uses of the drug goes away after tolerance occurs.
The other side of the equation is that these same body changes have to happen in reverse when caffeine is removed from the diet. A good rule of thumb is that it takes as long to get rid of withdrawal symptoms as it does to heal a bruise. Just as a bruise takes time to heal and repair tissue, resetting tolerance level also requires actual changes in cells.
 Try to take a day or two off from caffeine during the weekends, then when you have a cup on Monday morning you might experience an extra boost.  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Support GMO Labeling!

GMO's are genetically modified organisms who's genetic material has been altered through genetic engineering. During this process, DNA molecules are taken from various different sources and then combined into one molecule to create a new set of genes. This new DNA is then implanted into a new organism, or in our case, a genetically modified food.

First of all, nothing that we EAT, should be MODIFIED. The very food you put in your mouth should not contain DNA genes from a different organism.

Although GMO's can benefit the production line, there are many risks in consuming genetically modified crops. Some of these risks include:

The creation of new allergens
Antibiotic resistance
Cross breeding
Herbicide tolerant crops
Pesticide resistant insects
Local ecosystem disruption

A few examples of GMO foods we eat every day are tomatoes, soybeans, alfalfa, cotton, Hawaiian papaya, canola, sugar cane, sugar beet, rice, squash, and sweet peppers.

There are many opinions about genetically modified foods. My opinion is to buy your foods locally, and avoid all of these chemicals all together. For California, environmental and consumer organizations have filed paperwork to have a citizen initiative ballot in late 2012 to vote on GMO labeling. California would be the first state in the United States with GMO labeling, something every state should be doing! As of right now, we have no laws that tell us if we are consuming these foods or not. Chances are, we're eating them. Read this article from Natural News and help support the California GMO labeling campaign for 2012!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

National Peanut Butter Day

Okay, okay, I'm a little late. National Peanut Butter Day was yesterday, but when did that ever stop anyone from indulging in this creamy, mouth watering treat? I'm my opinion, peanut butter is one of the best tasting foods out there. And not only is it portable, but it also can be used in many different ways. Peanut butter can be taken to work, eaten on the train, can be given to veg-heads, and can stop a dog from barking! So why should you eat peanut butter? The Huffington Post posted an article yesterday that discussed 5 reasons why peanut butter is a great addition to your diet. Unlike me, they were on time with their post, which is why I am just going to share with you my sticky opinion. First and foremost, my favorite quote from the Huffington Post article reads:

“The body's response to saturated fat in food is to increase the amounts of both harmful LDL and protective HDL in circulation. In moderation, some saturated fat is okay. Eating a lot of it, though, promotes artery-clogging atherosclerosis, the process that underlies most cardiovascular disease. In contrast, unsaturated fats, which make up the majority of the fat content in peanut butter, help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. “

I included this because over time, I have heard many people reject the idea of eating peanut butter because of its fat content. Peanut butter, like many other foods, do not make you fat when eaten in moderation. Sitting on the couch eating half the jar is another story...

Peanut butter is also an awesome staple not just because of its health benefits, but because it is a good source of calories for a low, affordable price. In this economy, it seems like the main sources of protein are getting more and more expensive. Beef, chicken, and fish are emptying everyone's wallets, so why not get a good quality protein source for less than half the price? There are so many peanut butter companies on the market today that it is hard to find a good, organic brand. After trying many different kinds of peanut butter, I have found not only the best tasting, but the healthiest peanut butter out there. This peanut butter is literally, JUST PEANUTS. And you can find it at your local Whole Foods store for a very reasonable amount of money. You also get to turn the machine on yourself, regulate how much peanut butter you want to buy, and watch the peanuts get crushed to smithereens right in front of you. The whole foods peanut butter machine looks like this:

So the dry roasted peanut butter is literally only peanuts, with added heat and some crunching, you get the best peanut butter you can imagine. When I first tasted this peanut butter, I was shocked to see that it only had one ingredient. Racking my brain for information, I remembered that peanut oil is a natural component in peanuts, and during the grinding process, the oil is released. This is why the peanut butter still maintains that creamy texture, with no added ingredients. They also have honey roasted peanut butter, which has added honey, salt, and sugar. Because this one has a few added ingredients, it is even more delicious, and totally organic! Trust me, once you discover how good this peanut butter is, you'll never turn back.

Although there are many recipes that include peanut butter, my favorite recipe is still Thai peanut sauce. A lot of recipes that include peanut butter are desserts, which is why I prefer an actual meal that includes peanut butter, so you don't have all the extra fat and sugar that comes with the rest of the dessert. Here is my personal favorite way to make thai peanut sauce:

1 cup coconut milk
1-2 tsp red curry paste or hot sauce
1/4 cup smooth peanut butter
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 tsp soy sauce

The best part of thai peanut sauce is that it can be added to many recipes and dishes. Pasta, chicken, dumplings, shrimp, salad, and even in soups are all great ways to use Thai peanut sauce. This is something you could make in bulk, and use it on more than one occasion if your crammed for time.

Anyways, below is the link to the Huffington Post peanut butter article. If you also forgot that yesterday was National Peanut Butter Day, then celebrate today! I advise anyone who is scared to eat peanut butter because of the fat to think again, and to visit Whole Foods and get your hands on their product. Trust me, you won't be sorry.

Q: Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter?
A: I'm not telling you. You might spread it!

If you have any recipes that include peanut butter, feel free to share them in the comments box!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vaccination Season - Are Vaccines Smart for Everyone?

Every winter we are bombarded by messages telling us to vaccinate against the flu or other illnesses. Government agencies and big pharmaceutical companies usually lead the charge. This year, even faith-based groups are being pushed to promote vaccinations. In a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recent news letter they state:
“As you know, faith and community leaders play an integral role in helping to keep their communities and congregations healthy, especially during flu season. As trusted messengers, you are able to spread important information about healthy practices and the need for vaccination.”

HHS is not alone, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that every person 6 months and older receive an annual flu vaccine. They also spend tons of money on vaccine awareness each year.

One of the more outrageous examples of government support for vaccines is from the Texas Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry, who signed an executive order in 2007 to mandate all teen age girls to take the HPV vaccine! I am of the opinion that forced medication is very immoral.

In addition, your work and local drug store encourage yearly flu shots.

Is this government focus on vaccines based on genuine concern for citizens? Or due to the politicians and government agencies close ties to the pharmaceutical companies who profit by pumping out yearly vaccines?

In this article, I will attempt to make the reader aware of two things: vaccines are not universally safe and effective, and there are safer and more effective alternatives to staying healthy.

Do vaccines work?

Keen readers may have asked themselves, if vaccines work then why do I have to get one year after year? It must be because the flu strains change every year, right? Not according to a recent AP article.
“This year's flu shot will be a duplicate of last year's because the same flu strains are still circulating. So some experts say young, healthy people may have enough protection from last season's vaccine to skip getting it again this fall.
"For healthy people, it can't be said to be necessary," said Dr. Robert Couch, a flu vaccine expert at the Baylor College of Medicine.
Still, government health officials are urging nearly everyone to get this fall's flu shot. They say a vaccine's protection can fade significantly after several months — especially for those who are frail and elderly.”
Here is CDC's explanation from their web site:

“The second reason that annual vaccination is recommended is that a person’s immune protection from vaccination declines over time and annual vaccination is needed for optimal protection.
The decline in protection against the flu that occurs after vaccination or after flu infection may be influenced by several factors, including a person’s age, the antigen used in the vaccine, and the person’s health situation (for example, chronic health conditions that weaken the immune system may have an impact).This decline in protection has the potential to leave some people more vulnerable to infection, illness and possibly serious complications from the same influenza viruses a year after being vaccinated. So, for optimal protection against influenza, annual vaccination is recommended regardless of whether the viruses in the vaccine have changed or not since the previous season.”
So we need to get vaccines every year because they stop working after a few months. According to the CDC, vaccines supposedly work because: “About 2 weeks after vaccination, antibodies that provide protection against the influenza viruses in the vaccine develop in the body.”

Here is the punch line, antibodies last a whole lifetime! They do not wear off after a few months! Europeans who came to America gave Native Americans small pox. Why didn’t Europeans get small pox? because they had built up a natural defense over generations. They did not need vaccines every year, once they had the antibodies they were set for life (so were their children, and their children’s children).
Now let’s examine some recent findings on the safety of the flu vaccine and two recently popular vaccines, HPV and H1N1 (Click on the titles for the article link).
  • This web site is dedicated to bringing to light the adverse side effects of all vaccines. Here you can find story after story of people whose health has been hurt by vaccinations.
Mercury found in vaccines:
I could go on and on with these vaccination horror stories. They are all over the web.

Alternatives – Immune yourself naturally!

There are safe and alternative ways to protect yourself from the flu that do not involve injecting some unknown substance into your body that is mass produced by pharmaceutical companies. It’s called vitamins!! Of course, the best place to get your vitamins is fruits and vegetables. Today, there are many different and easily accessible super foods that can severely benefit your health. Spirulina and Chlorella happen to be my favorite super foods, but there is an entire list of these one-of-a-kind miracle foods. Super foods have such a dense nutrient profile that help to protect you from disease. Your body has the ability to naturally protect and heal itself from diseases if you allow it. To do this you need to supply your body with lots of vegetables and fruits. The easiest way to do this is “juicing” or making smoothies. If you replace your breakfast cereal for a smoothie full of fruits and vegetables and avoid processed foods throughout the day you will experience positive benefits immediately. You will feel more full, have increased energy, and get sick less often (or never).

Vitamin D might be the most powerful of all vitamins and it can work magical for your immune system. If your body is full of high doses of vitamin D your body will produce its own antibodies naturally. If you are really concern about getting the flu this season, supplement with vitamin D. (Check out our vitamin D page for more information.) Plus, when you are not vaccinated, you encounter the real virus and build your own natural defense, rather than receiving some weak form of the virus in a vaccine.

At the very least I hope this article will motivate you to do some research and serious thinking before the next time you shoot up.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

EBNHC Team Newsletter

Four New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

By Christina Rogers, WIC Nutritionist

We all know that extreme new year's resolutions -- like going to the gym every day -- are not likely to last very long. Here's a short list of healthy resolutions you may actually be able to stick to (without losing your sanity).

1. Eat more omega 3's: Try to eat food sources high in omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help reduce inflammation within your body and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Good sources are nuts, seeds, fish, and other seafood.

2. Eat less meat. Instead of cutting out red meat all together, try to cut it back to just twice a week. You will satisfy your cravings while substantially reducing saturated fat.

3. Increase your fiber intake. Try to make half of your grains whole grains. If you don't like the taste, mix plain pasta with whole-wheat pasta. This will help you feel fuller longer, and your intestines will be happier, too!

4. Go for three days of physical activity. Instead of setting yourself up for failure by resolving to go to the gym every day, try for 30 minutes of cardio workouts, three times a week. With school and work, most of us don't have time for daily workouts. Simple things like walking around your neighborhood can increase your physical state and burn extra calories.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2012!