“Physicians should be aware of the growing evidence supporting the nutritional and health benefits of moderate consumption of alcohol as part of a healthy lifestyle. The recently approved voluntary label on wine ("the proud people who made this wine encourage you to consult your family doctor about the health effects of wine consumption") implies that physicians should promote wine as the preferred source of dietary alcohol. However, studies evaluating the relative benefits of wine versus beer versus spirits suggest that moderate consumption of any alcoholic beverage is associated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease. From a nutritional standpoint, beer contains more protein and B vitamins than wine. The antioxidant content of beer is equivalent to that of wine, but the specific antioxidants are different because the barley and hops used in the production of beer contain flavonoids different from those in the grapes used in the production of wine. The benefits of moderate alcohol consumption have not been generally endorsed by physicians for fear that heavy consumers may consider any message as a permissive license to drink in excess. Discussions with patients regarding alcohol consumption should be made in the context of a general medical examination. There is no evidence to support endorsement of one type of alcoholic beverage over another. The physician should define moderate drinking (1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men) for the patient and should review consumption patterns associated with high risk.”
I love this abstract. Everywhere you go, people are judging those who love beer. Except for on one day where it is socially acceptable to enjoy one – St. Patrick's Day! A wonderful day that the Irish have given us. Anyways, the Irish have always been beer lovers, since back in 1756 when the first stout brewery was created. The first lager brewery was set up in 1891 in Dartry, Dublin, and by the time 1959 came around, lager consumption in Ireland and in the United Kingdom was 5 times greater than anywhere else. Although Ireland is better known for producing a stout beer, 63% of the beer sold in the country is actually lager. Stout makes up about 32 % of the market, leaving the other 5% to the crap beers. Anyways, Arthur Guinness, the man himself, set up a small stout brewery back in 1756. He later moved it to Dublin in 1759, and by the early twentieth century, Guinness became the largest brewer in the world.
Not only were the Irish promoting their product, but they were promoting good health, too! Now a days, the only alcoholic beverage we ever hear that has health benefits is wine. So many antioxidants! Decreases your chance of cardiovascular disease! Well guess what, beer can provided the same benefits, plus a few more that won't leave you feeling guilty after happy hour. Now, we must understand that most of these health benefits are coming from the world's better crafted beers and micro brews. These beers are made with barley, hops, yeast and water: natural ingredients. Beers that are mass produced are hardly any more that watered down beer with corn and chemicals to make it live longer, like Busch Light and Natural Light. These light beers are aimed at the college populations that want to feel the effects of drinking alcohol in large quantities . Most people looking to have just a beer or two at the end of the day normally choose a better quality brew, and in turn, reap the health benefits.
Strong bones: These craft beers actually contain many vitamins and minerals, with silicon and calcium at the top of the list. Silicon, which is the soluble version of silica, is a calcium-like mineral that helps build strong bones, teeth, hair, and nails. Beers that have higher levels of barley and hops will contain higher levels of silicon. So those looking for this extra boost should look for IPA's and pale ales. Unfortunately for people like myself, wheat beers are not a significance source. (Womp womp.)
B-Vitamins: Craft beers can include a rage of B-vitamins, from Potassium to Folic Acid, and even high levels of B-12. Folic Acid is great for vascular health. Although it is also a vitamin that is recommended during pregnancy, drinking beer is NOT the way to get in your folic acid if you are a prenatal. B-12 is a vitamin that helps keep your brain and nervous system functioning normally. It also helps in the formation of blood. Other vitamins found in a 12 ounce beer include niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, choline, and B6 (although they are small amounts.)
Healthy Cholesterol: The ethanol in craft beers has been proven to increase High Density Lipo-protein levels, AKA, good cholesterol. Increasing HDL levels has been proven to reduce blood pressure, prevent the thickening of artery walls, and in turn, prevent cardiovascular disease. Today, millions of Americans suffer from high blood pressure or have had a stroke or a heart attack. Increasing your good cholesterol and allowing your blood to flow better by one or two craft beers a day sounds like a pretty good idea to me. To further convince you, researchers in the Netherlands found that men who drank 2 pints of beer a day increased their HDL levels by 7 percent after only 10 days, and by 12 percent after 3 weeks. How about that!
Carbs + Fiber: People often look at all of the carbohydrates in beer as a bad thing. Some people may refer to it as liquid bread. Unless you are starving yourself for spring break in two weeks, carbs are not the enemy! Carbohydrates are meant to make up 55% of your daily diet, and are the main source of energy that your body uses. If someone is undergoing extreme exercise, then their carbohydrate intake should increase. Carbohydrates are the most easily obtained energy from your body, and we should all appreciate them. Beer also can provide a great deal of fiber per 12 ounce serving, which will help keep your digestive system in balance. People who drink more than their recommended amount of beer per day often have to use the bathroom soon after consuming their first drinks. Now you know why. But anyways, more fiber leads to a healthy colon and assist in the battle against diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
Today, another sore subject is the tie between red meat and cancer. According to a Portuguese study, marinating your steak in beer can eliminate up to 88% of the carcinogens that form when pan frying your meat. This is great for people who honestly do not enjoy drinking alcohol, but want to reap the benefits.
Antioxidants: Although red wine has become our go-to drink for added antioxidants, beer actually has a very comparable amount of antioxidants. In fact, these craft beers and micro brews can actually have as much as 5 times the amount of antioxidants as white wine. So long, sangria! These antioxidants will help prevent the oxidation of our blood plasma by free radicals (the enemy), which can further cause many of the diseases out their today. Free radical damage can be responsible for cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. So, if you have been choking down that glass of red wine at dinner to get in those antioxidants, grab an IPA instead, and do yourself just as much good.
So, what have we learned today? Beer is better! Moderate consumption of alcohol as part of a healthy life style is something that all physicians need to become aware of. I love this topic because beer has such a bad reputation. However, when consumed in the right sense, it is a true benefit to our health. In the end, I am encouraging everyone to enjoy St. Patrick's Day with 2 pints of beer if you're male, and 1 pint of brew if you're a woman. Get to your local bar and don't feel guilty about Guinness!