Friday, February 24, 2012

Cavities anyone?

I am sure everyone knows that when you get a cavity a dentist will address it by putting a silver colored filling into the targeted tooth.  What might surprise people is that the main ingredient in these fillings is mercury.

Dr. Mercola  recently appeared on the show "Dr. Oz" to explain why mercury fillings are harmful to the body.
"There are 1,000 mg of mercury in the average filling -- this is about 1 million times more mercury than is found in seafood, which is in microgram quantities.

Even the conservative EPA and CDC advise pregnant women to avoid high-mercury fish like tuna, due to the well documented adverse effects on fetuses.

Mercury is an incredibly potent neurotoxin; it doesn't take much to cause serious damage because it's an absolute poison. If you were to take the amount of mercury in a typical thermometer and put it in a small lake, that lake would be closed down due to environmental hazards."
What to do if you have mercury fillings?  I was pleased to see that Dr. Mercola suggested one of my favorite daily supplements, Chlorella.

"Chlorella, a single-celled fresh water algae, acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, in your body and carrying them out of your system. It is the chlorophyll in chlorella that makes it so powerful, as chlorophyll helps you process more oxygen, cleanses your blood and promotes the growth and repair of your tissues.
 In one study, when mice fed methylmercury were given chlorella, they excreted approximately twice the amount of mercury in their urine and feces as mice not treated with chlorella.i This is important, as chlorella plays a particularly crucial role in systemic mercury elimination because the majority of mercury is rid through your stool. Once the mercury burden is lowered from your intestines, mercury from other body tissues will more readily migrate into your intestines -- where chlorella will work to remove it."

 Chlorella is indeed a very powerful detox supplement.  I highly recommend chlorella to anyone who is concerned with the amount of toxins in their body.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Crazy for Coconut Water

For the past few weeks, we have been obsessing about coconut water. Not only does it remind you of vacationing on a tropical island, but it gives you the satisfying feeling of hydration. Coconut water has become very popular in the past few months, which is why we began drinking it ourselves. Not only does it seem to be in all the supermarkets, but it lines the shelves of Tedeschi markets and gas stations. It baffles me that this product has just recently grown in popularity, because it is something that everyone needs to be drinking.

So what is so different about coconut water? Can't I just drink regular water and get equally as hydrated? The answer is yes, but you would need a lot more regular water to feel the same effects. Coconut water is the clear liquid that is found inside young coconuts. The water serves as a suspension in the endosperm of the coconut during the coconuts development. As the coconut grows, the endosperm liquid will develop into what we know as the coconut meat. Because young coconuts are not fully developed, they have very little meat, and more coconut water. Unless your coconut has been severely damaged, coconut water is always sterile. It was even used during World War II as an intravenous hydration fluid when medical saline was unavailable. How about that! That fact alone makes me want some right now....

Anyways, the coconut water is clear, sweet, and sterile and composed of wonderful things such as sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, cytokinins, and phyto-hormones. These magical fruits are harvested when they are about 5-7 months of age for our drinking purposes. What are cytokinins you ask? Cytokinins are a class of plant growth substances (phyto-hormones) that have been shown to have anti-aging, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-thrombotic effects. Coconut water is best known for its high potassium content as well as the amount of antioxidants it contains. Coconut water was actually given to patients with severe diarrhea to help replenish electrolytes that have been lost, and to avoid the need for intravenous therapy. Now, doctor's will not use coconut water in an IV because of the dangers of too much potassium. However, it can and should be used to replace lost electrolytes and end dehydration.

Coconut water is also full of bioactive enzymes that aid in digestion and metabolism. Even though this fruit has a very light consistency, it has a wonderful vitamin and mineral composition of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, and folate. Look to the right to see its full nutritional profile:

Coconut water (Cocus nucifera), Fresh,
Nutrition Value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 19 Kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 3.71 g 3%
Protein 0.72 g 1.5%
Total Fat 0.20 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.1 g 3%

Folates 3 µg 0.75%
Niacin 0.080 mg 0.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.043 mg <1%
Pyridoxine 0.032 mg 2.5%
Riboflavin 0.057 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.030 mg 2.5%
Vitamin C 2.4 mg 4%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin E 0 mg 0%
Vitamin K 0 mcg 0%

Sodium 105 mg 7%
Potassium 250 mg 5%

Calcium 24 mg 2.4%
Copper 40 mcg 4.5%
Iron 0.29 mg 3.5%
Magnesium 25 mg 6%
Manganese 0.142 mg %
Zinc 0.10 mg 1%

Auxin (Gibberlin) Present --
Carotene, beta 0 µg --
Cytokines Present --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 0 µg --
Leucoanthocyanin Present -

Today, many different brands of coconut water are available in local stores. And although some of them claim to be pure coconut water, you never know if there are any preservatives or extra ingredients added in there. To me, nothing beats the pure coconut water that comes straight from the coconut itself. I shop at Hannaford's supermarket, and they always have fresh, whole coconuts on their shelves for about 1.99$. I know they are also available at whole foods, but for a dollar or two more. All I do to open these nuts is hammer in a knife, and drain the water into a glass. I usually get a full glass of water, and become overwhelmed with satisfaction that this is the real stuff. On top of the water, you also can scrape out the coconut meat on the inside of the coconut, and add it to your favorite smoothies or recipes. I have used coconut meat in my blender, but have also chopped it up and used it to make a coconut crusted salmon dish. Talk about amazing! There are just so many different ways to use coconut water and coconut meat that this fruit should be on everyone's shopping list. You can also cook your rice with coconut water to sweeten it up a little bit. This is a great tasting alternative to cooking rice with plain, boring water. Here is a crazy recipe for a power smoothie that includes coconut products. Although you most likely do not have all the ingredients, just blending some of the ingredients with fruits and vegetables is delicious, too.

Unsweetened Almond Milk
Coconut Water
Super Greens Powder
Raw Organic Agave Syrup
Fresh Coconut Meat
Organic Hemp Nuts

Power smoothies have so many health benefits that give you energy to last through your day. They are completely natural, too!

Another reason coconut water is becoming more popular is because of its hangover benefits. The reason why a person becomes hungover the night after drinking too much alcohol is because of the impurities, preservatives, and chemicals that are added to alcoholic drinks. Sometimes, hangovers can occur even after just one drink, depending on what it is made of. Usually, drinking to excess is what causes a hangover because the ethanol causes increased urine production, which then leads to dehydration. The truth is, you will feel miserable from a hangover until your body is properly hydrated. Gatorade and orange juice are two popular drinks that help cure hangovers. Now that I have read up on coconut water, this is truly the hangover cure. With the amount of natural electrolytes that coconut water contains, it's no surprise that after just one glass, a hangover can disappear. Sure, Gatorade also has a lot of electrolytes. But Gatorade is not found in the middle of a fruit on a tropic island, now is it?

In conclusion, if you are stranded on an island, engage in intense sports games or physical activity, suffer from diarrhea, or just had too many cocktails last night, coconut water needs to become a part of your diet. Stay tuned for future posts about the benefits of coconut oil - just another part of this life-changing superfood!